Farm Animals List In Spanish

La vaca La vaca produce leche para alimentar a sus terneros.
Farm animals list in spanish. Lah gah-YEE-nah the chicken. Included - two versions of each of these full-color and black and white. Full List of Animals in Spanish Mamíferos Mammals.
They also teach preschoolers about how different species live. Use the player below to listen to and repeat the pronunciation of the words in Spanish. Bird el pájaro.
Arable land el terreno cultivable. Farm Animals Animales de granja English Inglés Spanish Español Spanunciation Bull Toro búol Cow Vaca káu Chicken Pollo chéken Chick Pollito chek Donkey Burro dánki Goat Cabra góut Horse Caballo jors Pig Cerdo peg Rabbit Conejo rébet Sheep. I can name some farm animals.
Spanish nouns have a gender which is either feminine like la mujer or la luna or masculine like el hombre or el sol. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and try to figure out the grammar behind each sentence. Domestic meat production failed to meet demand making Spain a net importer of farm animals and meat products.
Pigs are domesticated mainly for meat production. Lah OH-kah the goose. Pigs were raised unpenned in the central uplands but they were generally pen-fed in the northern regions.
Put the flashcards on the floor. Stories songs and activities for kids. Mammals birds fishother aquatic animals reptiles amphibians and insectsearth invertebrates.