Domestic Animals Names In Telugu
Pet and Domestic Animals Name in Telugu Pet and Domestic Animals Name in English Cock.
Domestic animals names in telugu. Below given list contains all animals in Hindi and English meaning with Sound. Chinna visha sarpam చనన వష సరప 5. The righteous one is caring for the soul of his domestic animal.
Animals Names English Telugu - Alphabet Animals - more than 90 animals. This is where the scientific or zoological names of common animals come into the picture. Animals can be classified by different basic categories as follows.
Baby Care Kids Animals Names In Telugu Cat - Pilli Domestic Wild Animals Domestic - Wild Domestic Animals Donkey - Gaadidha Goat - Meka kidsone Learn Names of Animals Learn Science Rabbit - Kundelu Wild Animals. LEARN ANIMALS NAMES- KIDS LEARN ANIMAL NAMES-TODDLERS LEARN ANIMAL NAMES-CHILDREN LEARN ANIMAL NAMES. Click here to check scientific names of other groups.
You may also use alphabetic index as per necessity.
This is a name of the gods Shiva and Vishnu and of a future Buddha. Man has been domesticating some animals as companions and to assist him in doing some chores of life. The first part of the scientific name are always written with the generic name first.
How to say domestic animals in Telugu. ANIMAL NAMES IN ENGLISH AND TELUGU SlNo. When learning english you are likely to come across a lot of animals each of these has its own name.