Cats And Dogs Meaning

That means 6 months or younger for cats and 1 year or younger for dogs.
Cats and dogs meaning. I found a number of possible origins for this saying. Raining Cats and Dogs implies very heavy unexpected rain. Something that you say when it is raining heavily 2.
But of course this image of animals falling from the sky is a metaphor for very large heavy drops of water and possibly dark skies since animals are opaque. Filters Of pour cats and dogs. It refers the sound loud like cats dogs are fighting on the roof.
In a strong market. And cat dog rain. That at least is a plausible theory.
Cats and dogs may come from the Greek expression cata doxa which means contrary to experience or belief If it is raining cats and dogs it is raining unusually or unbelievably hard. Alternatively cats and dogs could be a corruption or misunderstanding of the Greek word catadupe meaning waterfall so the expression would originally have been its raining like a waterfall. The origin may also be in Norse mythology where cats and dogs were sometimes associated with.
Generally though mixing cats and dogs into a peaceful household takes some work. How to use cats and dogs in a sentence. However this idiom has variations that occurred even earlier.
By Naveen kumar PC. Cats and dogs definition is - in great quantities. See a man about a dog.